The Dutch Bus & Car Eagle arrives at Duxford.
Our two vintage foreign exhibits attracted huge crowds. A highlight of the afternoon
for some lucky enthusuasts was a tour of Duxford village on the vintage Skyliner.
Several operators took the opportunity to join a display of Neoplan vehicles, with
G H Watts' Cityliner holding its own against the larger Skyliners. The German
coach is on the end of the line.
Another Neoplan view.
Click above for an opportunity to see the full size picture.
The German Neoplan arrived at Duxford on Saturday morning in glorious sunshine.
This gave us all an opportunity to meet the German party and to collect flyers for their
event at Styer in April next year, which were distributed to entrants as they arrived on the Sunday.
The white Skyliner of Cozy Travel won the prize for the best Neoplan at the show.
The vehicle used to work for Harrods on round London sightseeing trips and had latterly
been with Rennies of Dunfermline, A123RTL.