SHOWBUS international 2007 photosDouble Gold Run |
Freshly delivered to Arrriva Midlands as 3636 (YJ57JYN) is this Plaxton Centro bodied VDL SB200 alongside a similar SB120 machine of TM Travel - YJ07JWU. |
The Centro has a tough act to follow, the Plaxton Pointer being the most successful Plaxton body ever. This example, 2093 (L303NFA), is also from the Arrriva Midlands fleet which has been painted in Stevensons livery to mark the company's 80th anniversary. |
Representing the later Pointer 2 body was First Essex 43714 (R714DJN), a refurbished Dennis Dart SLF in an all over advertisement livery. |
Red Rose has been a long term supporter of SHOWBUS and co-owner, Chris Day, was persuaded to bring along this unusual - and oldest - vehicle in their fleet, D303PEV. The 35 seater Plaxton Bustler was one of four bought by Harris Bus in Essex back in 1986. The body is built on a shortened Volvo B10M chassis, often referred to as the B9M. |
SHOWBUS international 2007 photosDouble Gold Run |